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point of view shots of Donna's desk at Church Library

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The library, built in 1809, is beautiful.
These two botttom photographs in particular were taken from behnd Donna's desk from where she checks in books with a scanner and removes the checkout cards. I discussed theology with a new minister today explaining to him that he was the eighth minster I have had a rapport with and that my questions are more precise after a decade. There have been ten or eleven I have known since attending. Scott Lord
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Scott Lord Silent Film: Linda Arvidson in The Adventures of Dollie (D.W....

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Actress Linda Ardvison, writing in the periodcial Film Fun during 1916, includes the "now historic" film "The Advntures of Dollie" (one reel) directed by D.W Griffith for the Biograph Film Company in 1908. Arvidson wrote under the name Mrs. D.W. Griffith. In one installment she reminisces about travelling to film exterior scenes, claiming they hadn't automobiles yet and visited locations by train or by boat. In a later installment she dicusses her salary for the film, "How much money I made! Twenty eight dollars in two weeks, enough for a whole spring outfit." What is more enjoyable is the autobiography of Mrs. D.W. Griffith, When Movies Were Young, published in 1925. Much of the material from the Film Fun periodical is repeated, worded similarly, as she gives an account of D.W. Griffith the actor being offered a provisional chance to direct his first film, "The Adventures of Dollie", given that he could return to acting if necessary. Mrs. D.W. Griffith exlains Griffith having been accepted as a director for Biograph, "For one year now, those movies so covered with slime and so degraded would have to come first to come first in his thoughts and affections....agonizing days when he would have given his life to be able to chuck the job." She includes not only the studio on East Fourteenth Street but the theaters on Third and Ninth Avenues as places into which one would not be seen going.
Author Roger Manvell, in his sixty page introduction to the anthology "Experiment in the Film" credits "The Adventures of Dollie" as the first film in which D.W. Griffith had used the flashback.
Peter Cowie, in his volume Eighty Years of Cinema, notes that it was in 1908, in the film "For Love of Gold", that D.W. Griffith had first used the close up shot in film.
Silent Film D.W. Griffith D. W. Griffith
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With Donna on my Sixty Second Birthday, Downtown Boston

Donna and I walked down Tremont Street, Boston, passed the church where she is a librarian, it bells ringing, and went to lunch at one of our usual places for my Sixty Second brithday.(She bought me a pocket hair comb for a dollar and said it was for my birthday, I took her to lunch this time, ps. I had a Western Omlette.) scott lord
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Scandinavian Silent Film: Victor Sjostrom as Seastrom, Mauritz Stiller, John Brunius, Greta Garbo: Victor Sjostrom as Seastrom and Mauritz Stiller

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Scott Lord Silent Film: Yesterday and Today Newsreel (1929)

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SIlent Film Silent Film
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Scott Lord Silent Film: Yesterday and Today Newsreel (1929)

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silent film silent film
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